Gen Re’s Immersive Digital Journey, Dubai – 8 March 2022

A new phenomenon known as Generation C (for “connected”) has emerged as a way to refer to everyone who has embraced at least some parts of the digital world, if not all of it. For insurers, it’s a misconception that “digital” is still viewed as a disruptive force. Most insurers realise that digital technology presents them with a golden opportunity to help their customers, not just when things go wrong, to lead genuinely happier and healthier lives. The COVID-19 pandemic (of which we have not yet seen the end) has accelerated the transformation shift for the known-to-be-traditional insurance industry. “Wellness” has been the focus of employers across industries and on the conscience mind of consumers, increasingly. Developing a digital approach that truly puts customers preventive wellness at the centre of their own “MEcosystem” requires a clear strategy. Research shows that there are significant returns and value on investments stemming from wellness awareness programs.

General Reinsurance AG (DIFC Branch) was pleased to make a review of its digital journey’s milestones over the past five years. It highlighted the accelerative nature of COVID-19 in schematizing the protection value chain components within the ecosystem new environment transforming into more prevention through health awareness campaigns utilizing advanced digital onboarding technologies. This has led our industry to move away from asking a “what if?” type questions and replace them by “how to do things?” types reflecting the prevention component rather than more traditional protection.

Gen Re welcomed more than 100 guests from over 15 countries to its cocktail reception at “Infinity des Lumiere’s”, the largest digital immersive art centre in the Gulf Cooperation Council. The event started with a digital show called “Dreamed Japan” followed by a welcome note from Ulrich Pasdika, Board Member of General Reinsurance AG and Gen Re’s Life/Health Regional Head of Europe, Latin America, and MENA. He greeted the guests with a snapshot presentation on Gen Re’s long history and provided insights into our industry’s future.

A series of videos followed, highlighting Gen Re MENA’s digital journey and junctures presented by Dr. Mazen Abouchakra, Gen Re’s Regional Director MENA Life/Health. The reception was a good platform to announce the achievement of MENA’s immersion in digital innovation by showcasing the Quick Underwriting Process (QUP) app. QUP captures biometric indicators alongside simplified underwriting and capabilities to connect into wellness configurations within the biometric ecosystem, aiming to provide client-centric protections via the continuous real-time preventive medium of exchanges. The audience was later immersed in the vastness of the universe through the “Destination Cosmos” exhibition, followed by a journey through “Infinitely Ingenious – Van Gogh”, where attendees were invited to experience Gen Re’s interactive digital apps with the support of Gen Re staff.